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“The principle aim of psychotherapy is not to transport one to an impossible state of happiness, but to help (the client) acquire steadfastness and patience in the face of suffering.”
Carl Jung
There are times in life when we experience more challenging, prolonged periods of concern. It is at these more difficult times that it is only natural to seek additional support. Psychotherapy provides you with a safe, reliable and confidential space for you to make sense of issues in your life that may be troubling you. The therapeutic process aims to leave you feeling supported and empower you to transform difficulties into an opportunity for living a more meaningful life. Exploring your concerns can often help you understand your strengths, enabling you to develop an increased level of self-esteem and bring about a sense of inner peace.
Psychotherapy can help with a wide range of concerns. For example:
Addiction Recovery
Anger Management
Chronic Pain
Domestic Violence and Abuse
Eating Disorders
Infidelity, divorce or separation
Low self-esteem
Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS)
Physical ailments eg fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue
Psycho-physiologic Disorders
Sexuality and sexual difficulties
Trauma (PTSD)
and more...