Mobile: 0775 419 6691

Psychotherapist | Couple Counsellor | Mediator
Pseudonyms have been used in the interest of confidentiality.
“These past two years have been tough, but worth every minute. I want to say a huge thank you for all your help. You have helped me to mature, to work through my problems and look at why I did certain things. I have come so far in such a short space of time. When I first started coming to our sessions, I was quite an angry, hurt, quiet, fragile girl. Two years on, I see myself as a confident, strong, intelligent woman, with a lot going for me. You have helped me to become the person I am today.”
“The counselling we had over the last year was one of the most beneficial experiences I’ve ever had. I frequently think of what I learned and feel a lot of gratitude for the way you helped me/us. Things have progressively improved, although of course there are ups and downs, but what a relief that the despair and uncertainty has now gone.”
John and Jane
“Not a day goes by that I don’t say a big ‘thank you’ to you in my mind. With your help, we got to understand each other, defuse tensions and resolve our conflictual situations.”
Julia and Jack
“Thank you for helping me cope with my loss. I was very sad before, but now I am happy. It’s been fun.”
Daniel (age 9)
“You are an amazing, wonderful, kind, insightful, perfect therapist. I am extremely grateful to you for helping me cope with my struggles. I genuinely loved and looked forward to our sessions. I know that you have helped me come to terms with things I found hard to cope with, after my sister died.”
“I want to say a big thank you for your help and support you have given me over the past few months. I am now in a place I didn’t think it was possible for me to get to. I am grateful for the part you played in that. I think the most important thing I have realized, is that the only thing I can truly control is myself. This has been a significant lesson for me. It feels like a big weight has been lifted off me. It’s given me the power to say how I feel, and respond in a constructive way to feelings of hurt and anger.”
“You have helped me in the following ways;
- Taught me to stand up for myself.
- Taught me how to deal with bullying.”
Adam (age 10)
“I would like to say a big thank you to you for all the help you gave Martin and I. We are very grateful for your guidance, and are now in a much better place to discuss, understand and resolve. You offered us a wonderful opportunity to gently explore the issues and we both benefited from the process.”